
Kill Doctor Lucky Game Tactics And Strategy

Purpose And Scope Of This Post

This post goes over some tactics and strategy for the Kill Doctor Lucky game (19.5th anniversary edition, rules here) that are not obvious at first glance.  I think Kill Doctor Lucky has a lot of strategic/tactical depth that is easy to not realize.

A lot of this post is applicable to games with any number of players, but there is special attention paid to two-player games with strangers. A lot of this post is applicable to any board, but we will also analyze particular boards in order to come up with general things to keep in mind when analyzing any board.

This post is a work in progress.  I made a video of a lot of these concepts, and some sample games: game1, game2, game3.  I made a deterministic Kill Doctor Lucky game where you can play and see what the AI thinks is a good move (sorry, it's command line).