About This Blog


I like to joke that this blog is an extended exercise in "information/assertions communicated in a way where you can clearly see the structure of the information/assertions"; JUST LOOK AT ALL THE STRUCTURE.  Also, sometimes humor is present; slightly-relevant pictures are frequently present, so the reader is not bored to tears.


  • To provide information to people, taking advantage of the public and revisable nature of blogs.  For instance, the Steps To Set Up KeePass post exists so I can point people to the blog, and they'll always have easy access to up-to-date instructions, which they can also easily share with others.  Previously, I had a KeePass Setup email that I kept on revising and fowarding to people.  The blog is much better for spreading the information.
    • Important subcategory: if there's some info/thesis you keep on referencing in conversation, it is really nice when you can direct your friend to your blog which has it all laid out.  That really improves the conversation.  Example: Stock Market Index Reference.
  • To provide information to my future self and have it be accessible anywhere I have an internet connection.
  • To host some of my attempts to entertain my friends, such as the Sam Soundar Biweekly Newsletter.  The newsletter used to be distributed via email, but much like the KeePass emails, this blog has much better logistics than email.
  • To put forth assertions in writing so that they may be more effectively understood and critiqued by others.  For instance, I originally wrote the Bonds And Interest Rate Risk post so that I could have people read my examples -- examples that are hard for me to articulate and hard for others to fully understand when made verbally.  Conversations about interest rate risk made progress where before they were stuck.  Writing is just better at precision, which I value.
    • The critique part is important to me, as I would love for this blog to be a tool by which people see my thoughts and are able to correct my mistaken ones.
  • The exercise of writing blog posts forces me to refine and process my ideas more than if I never wrote on the matters. Also, "the weakest ink lasts longer than the strongest memory", so these posts are helpful for my future self who can't remember all of my previous thoughts and recollections of facts.

Conceptual Tree View Of Blog Posts

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